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libur di Bukittinggi (bahagian 12)


Masih awal lagi kalau nak gi dinner pun...sempatlah rasanya kita gi tour kat Lobang Jepang ni kejap... after all its in the same locality with taman panorama ni...

Ramai juga pengunjung kat pintu masuk LobangJepang ni ...kena la tunggu giliran nak masuk...Kalau masuk ramai2 kang nanti semput pula...Maklum lah nak masuk tunnel bukan nak masuk stadium huhuhu😅😉🤣

Sebelum masuk tunnel tu sempatlah dengar penerangan dari Hendra tentang layout keseluruhan tunnel tu juga perkara2 yang perlu dipatuhi semasa berada dalam tunnel tu nanti.

Its a 132 steps down.. going down is ok but not when climbing the stairs.. hmmm...One must be fit in order to have a smooth leisurely walk..

It was damn cold inside the tunnel...the same experience with Sungai Lembing tunnel in Pahang ...its just the vice versa of Cu Chi tunnel in Vietnam ...the last time l visited CuChi tunnel was in mid 90s..

Sungai Lembing tin mines ....the deepest in the world...operation period...1860 - 1986..

Total tunnel length is 322km with the depth ranging from 610m - 700m.. A museum was opened in 2003..

A CuChi tunnel lifetime experience....After 9 meters down & crawling in the tunnel...l can't proceed any further. The tunnel was dimly lit & the space was just enough to fit Asian body size...l was sweating profusely...feel like choking...l just can only be at 9 meters down...no more..

A 121km tunnel...its a no joke...

It's a real experience and l salute the people of Vietnam under the leadership of Ho Chi Minh fighting the American army with all the sophisticated equipment and unmatched warfare tactics & in the end win the war...

I believe the spirit of survival..freedom & patriotism have always been at the peak...A national hero with good strategies & the feeling of love to the country surpassed personal interest is the kind of leader that makes "impossible is nothing"& Ho Chi Minh has proven it...

Menurut kata Hendra ....terdapat banyak lorong2 kecil serta ruang2 tertentu di dalam tunnel .

Satu ketika dulu masa bawa pelancung dalam tunnel ni...terjadi gempa bumi dan diorang dapat dengar macam satu letupan yang kuat...

Untuk meyakinkan pelawat2 tu semua si Hendra ni bagi tau tu hanya gegaran kecil atas jalan tapi sebenarnya dia sendiri pun menjadi panik takut2 runtuh dan tertimbus... tunnel kalis gegaran...Hebat juga teknologi binaan orang dulukala ..

Lobang Jepang ni merupakan komplek tentera bawah tanah... protection tunnel..& as a hiding bunker from the Allied Forces ...built in 1942 & completed within 2 years ...

Tapi tahun 1945Jepun kalah...kes bom atom kat Nagasaki& Hiroshima... Mungkin diorang ingat lama boleh perintah tu pasal buat tunnel tu...tiba2 kalah perang tu lintang pukang lariiii...tau takut... bagero betul😂😉

Macam kerja sia2 je....siap jer tunnel terus menyerah kalah..biul ke apo Jepun ni... Memang biul kerana berapa banyak nyawa terkorban masa bina tunnel tu.. dia apa peduli...

Kalau naik stim silap2 gi rogol wanita tempatan...tu mungkin terjadi...diorang pun ada nafsu gak tambah2 tengok aweks minang seksi2..lagi la gian semacam..

Diorang kerah tenaga pekerja2 buruh paksa/ romusha dari lain2 wilayah seperti Sulawesi ..Jawa ..Kalimantan dll... Tu semua taktik untuk menjaga rahsia dari terbongkar dan tak dapat nak lari kerana tak biasa dengan persekitaran setempat...hebat gok paler otak Lt.General Moritake Tanabe tu eak...

Lobang Jepang mula dijumpai awal tahun 1950an dan dibuka untuk kunjungan orang ramai pada tahun 1954 ..Lokasi tunnel ni adalah di kawasan ngarai berdekatan dengan lstana Bung Hatta& zoo.. Hanya 1.5km saja yang dibuka untuk kunjungan... This is the longest in Asia with 8km winding tunnel ...width 2m & 49m depth..

Altogether there are 21 aisles...for ammunition..conference room..meeting room..escape door...ambush...kitchen & prison...The kitchen was not really meant for cooking...but for chopping dead prisoners & dumped through the hole at the ngarai..

Ada banyak penemuan rangka manusia serta alatan mengorek...Tu yang dapat ditemui...yang hilang tanpa dikesan tu entah berapa banyak misteri yang berlaku..

Cuma yang jadi tanda tanya...mana diorang buang tanah2 yang dikorek tu...takde pun tanda2 tanah tu dijadikan stockpile kat mana2... Tu satu misteri yang tak terungkai sampai sekarang...

Struktur tunnel ni sangat kuat...Gempa bumi tahun 2009 yang mengorbankan nyawa dan harta benda tak pun menjejaskan tunnel ni...Dahsyat gok teknologi diorang masa tu. Ya lah sekarang guna macam2 alatan dengan berapa ramai engineer yang hebat2 pun ada gak flaws ....Dulu guna buruh paksa je bro..

Pintu keluar bukan pintu masuk tadi..Ni kira jalan belakang..kalau ikut pintu masuk tadi kena panjat 132 tangga lak..Nape nak nyusahkan diri kalau ada yang lebih senang..tak gitu?

Masa lawatan sudah tamat...kita kan beredar menuju destinasi tersendiri...

There had been no argument...no hesitation...everything was mutual...to my understanding....he had been very happy in spite of the ever present danger hanging over him....He hangs on to what he believes to the best of knowledge in earning a living..he understood....he must be very happy by now..

Bergambar kenangan bersama Hendra guide kami di pintu akhir...salam bersalaman dan semasa mengucapkan selamat tinggal Mem buat bayaran dan sedekah apa yang patut padanya...Jika ada jodoh ketentuan kita bersua lagi..

Everybody has a part to play...with the varied experiences & skill thats how they earn a living...lt was late in the evening...everybody seems to be tired...When shaking hands for a good bye...his hands were trembling..his eyes burning in the ivory-brown of his face...

Ujang was nowhere in the scene...he must 
've been thinking we exit through the first gate... Hendra the guide...was trying to get Ujang through the phone...and suddenly Ujang turned up from the opposite side of the road where we were standing...

Ibelieve no one is born lucky...but luck plays an important part in our life...Lack of experience is not an obstacle but what's crucial is to remain focus..willing to learn & love challenges.....

Many people are self-confessed cowards that run at the first scent of trouble..We must be able to conquer our own weaknesses so that within reason we can gather some strength to stand up...

Come to think of it...how grateful we are & many thanks to the Almighty for showering us with active careers & beautiful social life.

Today we are strangers...happen to cross path on certain mission & we learn from each other the meaning of life...understand in deeper qualities of common interest that can unify both parties...

What make people click together is the compatible desires with complementary personalities that leads to a strong friendship. Honesty & maturity too make people comfortable with each other..

What l learned from this trip...l was surrounded by honest & sincere people that makes this occasion into a memorable moments which l treasured so much..The people here lead a fairly flexible life...thrive on spontaneity & a certain degree of freedom

That's the kind of life which l can't miss dreaming every single night & day...freedom & independence.

Semoga hidup kita semua di rahmati selalu hendakNya...Aamin

Cheerio all..


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